Saturday, March 21, 2009

Are Jehovah's Witnesses Really Preaching the Good News Throughout the Earth?

Matthew 24:14 is an important scripture for Jehovah's Witnesses. Here is what it says in their own New World Translation. "And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

This is the Jehovah's Witness mission. They believe they are fulfilling this scripture. (Some say they have already fulfilled it.) They even point to this as proof that they are the one true religion.

What about the Mormons? Aren't they also doing a worldwide preaching work? How about more mainstream Christianity? Haven't they had far greater success spreading the good news throughout the Earth? These would be good questions to ask a Jehovah's Witness. When I was a Jehovah's Witness, my response would have been something like this. The other religions don't really count. They aren't really declaring the good news that Jesus taught and their methods aren't really the same as what Jesus and his disciples used.

So the question arises. Are Jehovah's Witnesses really declaring the good news in a way that resembles the methods of first century Christianity?

First, is their message good news at all? If you ask a Jehovah's Witness enough probing questions, you will discover that their good news includes the idea that Jehovah will soon destroy everyone on Earth who isn't a Jehovah's Witness. Their publications often downplay this teaching by saying things like it is up to Jehovah to decide who will survive and that he will only destroy the irreformably wicked, but at other places it says that only Jehovah's Witnesses have a hope of surviving Armageddon. (Even then there is no certainty. Who knows how many works you have to perform to ensure your survival?)

Imagine two Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on your door and saying with a smile, "We have some good news for you. Soon Jehovah is going to kill you unless you convert to our religion. If you do everything our religion asks of you, you have a pretty good chance of surviving. Most of your wicked family and friends will be killed, including babies who would probably only grow up to be wicked anyways. Wouldn't you like to live in a world cleansed of such wickedness?"

This is their basic message in distilled form. It would normally take months of study with them to finally learn this message. By then, it would be easy to become distracted by numerous other details and justifications of why God would do this. There is nothing good about their "good news".

Also, their good news keeps changing. It's only logical that the good news described in the Bible would have to be true. Otherwise, Jehovah's Witnesses have no business criticizing the "good news" that is declared by other religions that they disagree with.

This is important because it ties in with another belief that Jehovah's Witnesses have about their preaching work. They believe that people are being judged on the basis of how people respond to their message.

Let's consider an example. Suppose a Jehovah's Witness talks to someone in 1994 about Jehovah's "promise" that the literal generation that was alive in 1914 would not pass away until the events prophesied in Matthew chapter 24, including Armageddon, took place. (They might even reference a statement at the beginning of each Awake magazine at the time that says, "Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.")

Suppose this individual generally agrees with what the Witnesses are saying, but just can't accept their statement about the generation of 1914, for whatever reason. Should he be judged negatively for rejecting the good news? No, because the next year the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses admitted that generation teaching was wrong and came up with a whole new teaching about the generation, equating it with the wicked people now on earth. It would be a gross injustice for God to judge someone unrighteous for rejecting a lie.

If the Witnesses come back and explained that their message changed, he might still reject the new teaching. (Now, he might even regard them as false prophets, because they assured him that their former predication about the generation was God's promise.) Well, they changed their teaching about the generation again in 2008, so he couldn't be criticised for rejecting another false teaching.

If we assume that Jehovah's Witnesses now have the right good news, then it implies that they are only just beginning the process of preaching it "in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations". It would take many decades, at least, for them to succeed before the end could come. Of course, that is a silly assumption. I feel confident in predicting that the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses will undergo many more changes in the future. (Their 1914 teaching is especially problematic. I invite you to do a simple Google search. I might address this issue in a future post.)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses at least using the right methods in declaring the "good new"?

This is debatable. It can be argued that Jehovah's Witnesses are working contrary to the recommendations of the Bible. They primarily spread their message by going house to house. Yet, Luke 10:7 says, "Do not be transferring from house to house." It's true that the Bible speaks of teaching in homes, but this wasn't a case of knocking on door after door. They would often stay for an extended time in someone's home, teaching them and then visit someone else in a different town. See this article at Facts About Jehovah's Witnesses for a more detailed discussion.

Door to door preaching is a pretty inefficient way to make converts, especially in areas where few people are home during the day. It is suggested by some that the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses is designed primarily to keep them too busy to question doctrines and to provide a solidarity of purpose. Jehovah's Witness membership has an alarming attrition rate. It will be interesting to see how long they can keep replacing members with outdated recruitment techniques.

Witness methods seem totally incapable of even giving an appearance of fulfilling Matthew 24:14. They are very poorly represented in many countries with an enormous population, such as China and many Islamic countries. Even in countries where they are better represented, most people don't take door knocking religious zealots seriously, so they don't often take the time to listen to them. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that these people will soon die if they don't respond positively to their message, so they have little excuse for not coming up with better methods.

The Bible does provide numerous examples of Jesus and his disciples preaching where there are actually people, including marketplaces.

The Internet is the greatest marketplace that ever existed. It's the one technology that could play a crucial role in giving a religious message a virtually worldwide distribution, especially when more third world residents get online. Why aren't Jehovah's Witnesses trying to take full advantage of this technology?

They're scared.

They're scared of apostates like me. They're scared that they may run across information that will weaken their faith. Their leaders are scared that their members will learn about their long history of ridiculous and life threatening policies, failed prophecies, and doctrinal flip flops. They're scared that their members will read these things in official Watchtower literature that is no longer published, but is available online. They have actually made online association with former members a disfellowshipping offense.

I don't recall reading that Jesus and his disciples had this kind of trepidation about sharing their faith in public. Jehovah's Witnesses have a comfort zone where they go two to a door and catch individuals unprepared. They have reference books that tells them what to say in certain circumstances. If they are asked tough questions, they will often just terminate the discussion and knock on another door. It appears that the first century Christians were far more fearless. I expect that they were often outnumbered and had to defend their faith in front of an audience. They couldn't just retreat from tough questions without a serious loss of credibility.

I know that the Watchtower Society does have some Websites, but the average member is heavily discouraged from engaging in any kind of Internet proselytism. Some Jehovah's Witnesses disobey this. You can often see them making comments on critical videos or blog posts. Sometimes they will even set up websites. I applaud these individuals, even if I disagree with most of what they believe. They are publicly indicating that the authority of their Governing Body is not absolute, that they should consider the dictates of their own conscience. They may risk expulsion and shunning for this, but this doesn't stop them. I say keep it up. It will expose them to differing viewpoints. This might change their views or it might not. In either case, they aren't limiting themselves to getting information from only one source. As an apostate, I can't ask for anything more than that.

To the other Jehovah's Witnesses who will only knock on doors to mostly empty houses, I say, "If you are not willing to take your supposed scriptural responsibility seriously, I don't see why any of us should take it seriously either."

See also Door to Door; is that what really counts? at The Watchtower Teachings Blog


Anonymous said...

It's only a wonder why you have 0 comments. Let me indulge you. I too was an apostate. I was wrong. You too are wrong. I wish the world could conform to my way of thinking, but guess what... I'm not god and didn't create the world. Also i don't know you so am not sorry for your senselessness.

Anonymous said...

This person can not be serious. I don't believe that this person was an apostate at one time, well let take that back, the Watchtower considers every disfellowshipped person an apostate even though many if not most of these people fully believe in the JW dogma when they are kicked out. Based on the real definition of the word these people do not fall into the actual parameters of an apostate. An apostate is someone who totally rejects a previous belief in the secular definition. In the Christian religious definition it is someone who rejects the belief in Christ Jesus. Most disfellowshipped people are not either but are infact labeled as such.

A real JW apostate never comes back because once you crack the door open and find out that everything you were indoctrinated with was a lie there is no more going back. Imagine that you were always told not to open the door because outside was an inhospitable yellow desert. One day out of curiosity you quickly open and close the door. The only thing you were able to decipher was green. After some time the green color "doubt" will not let you forget it. You crack the door again this time for an extra second. You saw a branch with leaves. The next time you flat out open the door and see that what is outside is an awesome green orchard. Once you know the truth about the "truth" there is no going back. (Unless all you want it to regain the ties to your family)